Podcast: Charity PR and Social Media with Ben Matthews

From high CEO pay to ‘charity muggers’: charities face a number of perception challenges as they seek to raise funds and make a genuine difference to lives around the world. I caught up with charity specialist Ben Matthews to understand how charities are embracing PR, social media and content to get their message out.

Ben Matthews Montfort

Ben Matthews, Montfort

“Hello! Have you got time for a quick question?” The cheery young lady with the clipboard and branded t-shirt jumps in front of you.

This experience with the ‘chugger’ (portmanteau of ‘charity mugger’) can be divisive, but if it were not effective charities wouldn’t deploy them. In-person fundraising has always been critical to charities, but increasingly the web – and in particular mobile – present opportunities and challenges for third sector organisations.

In this podcast I caught up with Ben Matthews of PR, social media and content consultancy Montfort to learn more about how charities are using digital channels to raise awareness and funds.

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