Info we need to write your web copy
At Eight Moon Media we take a strategic approach to writing your website copy.
That’s why we ask so many questions.
We need you to provide us with specific information about your business and customers, so we can write engaging copy that supports your goals.
By providing us with your answers to the questions below, you can be sure you’ve given us a great brief with all the details we need.
Information we need to write your homepage
HOMEPAGE: Your headline message
A strong headline has one single message. What’s the one key message you want prospects to know when they land on this page?
Homepage headlines typically include:
1) a statement about what your company does or believes;
2) a benefit of your product, service or brand;
3) a request, a mission, an achievement or something else.
HOMEPAGE: Your calls-to-action
What do you want readers to do when they land on your homepage? Do you want them to look at a specific product or service? Do you want them to choose between multiple products or services? Do you want them to contact you? Let us know your specific objectives for this page.
HOMEPAGE: Featured information
What information do you want us to feature on your homepage? Do you want to include information about a new product/service? Do you want to highlight your unique selling points? Do you want us to keep the copy light and simply focus on your headline and CTA? Please provide any information that you’d like us to include on your homepage.
Is there anything else you want us to include on your homepage? Please tell us everything you want us to feature.
Information we need to write your About Page
ABOUT PAGE: Your headline message
A strong headline has one single message. What’s the one key message you want prospects to know when they land on your About Page?
About Page headlines typically include one of the following:
1) a statement about what your company does or believes;
2) a statement about your staff or your customers;
3) a benefit of your product, service or organisation;
4) a simple ‘About Us’ headline.
When was your organisation established?
Is there a great story around your brand, product, service or staff that would interest your customers?
Do you have an origin story you’d like us to feature?
Has your organisation won awards or taken part in any noteworthy projects?
Does your organisation support any charities?
Do you have great environmental policies that you’d like to tell people about?
What’s your organisation proud of? What’s your biggest achievement as a group?
Do you want us to include staff profiles on your About Page? If so we’ll get in touch to discus this content in more detail. Meanwhile, it would be helpful if you could provide us with some basic information about your staff, e.g. name, role, qualifications, experience, etc.
Is there any additional information you want us to include on your About page? Please tell us everything you want us to feature.
Info we need to write your product or service pages
Please provide us with a headline brief for each of your different product / services pages.
Your headline/s might be:
1) a statement about the featured product or service;
2) a benefit of the featured product or service;
3) a customer quote relating to the product or service, or something else.
Picture someone who is completely unfamiliar with your product/service/brand. What information would they need to know in order to clearly understand what you offer?
Describe your offering in three short phrases. (Examples: 1. Smart, durable, used by experts. 2. Experienced, professional, easy to work with.)
What are the features of your product/service? Please list all the features that it offers to your customers. (A bullet point list is ideal.)
What makes your product/service/brand unique? Why should customers choose your offering instead of your competitors?
What are the three biggest benefits of your product/service?
Identifying your customers concerns
What are your customers’ main concerns when they are looking for the product/service you provide? Which features of your product/service can alleviate these concerns and put your customers at ease?
Are there any additional details you want us to include on this product/service page? Please tell us all the details you’d like us to include.
Note: If we’re writing multiple product/services pages for your website, please provide relevant information for each separate page.